travel tips

clothes – remember to carry adequate clothing as per the season in which you are travelling. also do not fail to carry sports shoes and an umbrella.

personal belongings – meghalaya is a very safe place. your belongings are safe in hotel/car but on a bad day, anything could go wrong so we always suggest you to carry your camera, wallet, passport and your valuable goods with you all the time

taking photos – most people in assam do not mind being photographed. however it is always courteous to ask permission before taking the photographs

littering – avoid littering waste from your car window or in the streets. it creates a bad impression towards locals and other fellow travellers.

meghalya do’s and don’t’s


  • dress appropriately and modestly. be aware of the customs and manners and culture of the local people.
  • avoid loud music and noise as locals may not appreciate it.
  • always keep your identity card / passport copies safe custody in hotels.


  • don’t smoke, drink alcohol or talk loudly near sacred places.
  • don’t pluck plants or flowers.
  • don’t use plastic bags or plastic bottles in the forest area
  • do not write on trees, rocks and buildings.
  • avoid public display of affection. keep a check on your body language and choice of words as well.
  • do not disregard the food offered by the locals.
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Yuvang Travels LLP,
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Kolkata - 700019,
Mobile - +91-98314-98411,
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