buddha dordemna

buddha dordemna (located in kuensel phodrang, thimphu): also known as buddha point this is statue is located on top of a hill in kuensel phodrang nature park and is one of the largest statues of buddha in the world with a height of about 50 meters. the location is also famous for one of the best views of thimphu valley. the night view from this point, where we can see thimphu city decorated with toby dots of lights is totally magical. this is a relative new attraction and the construction was completed on september 25th 2015 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of fourth king his majesty jigme singye wangchuck. the well paved road leading to the buddha  passes through a new hindu temple and is mostly used for drives, cycling, jogging and walk apart from those who go there to pay homage to buddha. the best time to take photographs is in early morning.

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